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Netbotz Environmental Monitoring
Preventing Outages by Monitoring, Managing, and Controlling the Data Center Environment.
Data centre threats can be classified into two broad categories, depending on whether they are in the realm of IT software and networking (digital threats) or in the realm of the data centre’s physical support infrastructure (physical threats).
Compute is quickly moving closer to where it is used at the Edge, increasing the risks of water damage, high temperature & humidity, fire or other conditions bringing down business-critical applications.
Remote network locations such as branch offices, network closets, and local point-of-sale locations where it is impractical and unreliable to have people physically present to check conditions such as temperature and humidity, further highlight the need for automated monitoring. With the introduction of unmanned network outposts, IT administrators must have reliable systems in place to know what is going on.
APC NetBotz offers an active monitoring solution designed to protect against environmental threats and unauthorised access risks that can cause downtime to IT infrastructure, in both Edge Computing and Data Centre environments.
The APC Netbotz range includes different rack mountable, IP based monitors which attach to a range of environmental sensors that simply plug in via Ethernet, USB and dry contact. Sensor options include temperature, humidity, fluid / leak, smoke and vibration as well as security options in the form of surveillance cameras and rack access control.
APC Netbotz 250
The cost-effective and essential sensing, access control and instant alerting for IT environments of all sizes where IT rack space is available. Supports up to 42 wired sensors, 47 wireless sensors and badged access for 2 rack doors. (NBRK0250)
APC NetBotz 750
Integrated surveillance, sensing, access control and instant alerting for IT environments of all sizes where IT rack space is available. Supports up to 4 HD cameras, 78 wired sensors, 47 wireless sensors and badged access for 26 rack doors. (NBRK0750)
APC NetBotz 755
Integrated surveillance, sensing, access control and instant alerting for IT environments of all sizes where IT rack space is unavailable. Supports up to 4 HD cameras, 16 wired sensors, 47 wireless sensors and badged access for 2 rack doors. (NBWM0756 & NBWL0755)
APC Netbotz Sensors and Pods
- Temperature – Provides real-time temperature data (AP9335T)
- Humidity – Provides real-time humidity data (AP9335TH)
- Wireless – Available for temperature and humidity sensing -helps reduce the clutter and expense of cabling (NBWS100H & NBWS100T)
- Spot and Rope Leak – Provides early detection of fluid in your data centre or network closet (NBES0301 & NBES0308)
- Door Switch – Monitors access to a room or rack (NBES0302 & NBES0303)
- Smoke – Detects smoke in IT spaces & supplements the existing fire safety system (NBES0307)
- Dry Contact – Connects to 3 rd party devices to provide critical monitoring (NBES0304)
- Vibration – Detects vibration in racks that may indicate movement of IT assets (NBES0306)
- 0-5V – Connects to 3 rd party pressure sensors to help monitor liquids and gasses (NBES0305)
- Camera – Provides high definition surveillance with motion detection
- Rack Access – Provides badged access control for a rack (NBHN1356, NBHN125, NBHN0171, NBPD0175, NBPD0125 & NBPD1356))
- Rack Sensor – Supports 6 additional sensors – rackmount (NBPD0150)
- Room Sensor – Supports 4 additional sensors – wallmount (NBPD0155)
Whether you have a single rack or 100 racks, the NetBotz range offers a cost-effective alternative to other environmental management solutions for the data centre. You can also integrate Netbotz with EcoStruxre IT Data Centre Expert (DCIM Software) for a single management platform that helps you holistically protect IT assets from threats and prevent outages.
Which Netbotz monitor suits your needs depends on the size of your data centre and how many sensors you require. Contact one of our team to discuss how we can help.
Call: 01252 692559 or email: info@sourceups.co.uk
I found Source UPS when looking to replace the large UPS systems on one of our sites. The price was competitive and communication was great, which made it much easier as this is the first time we have dealt with UPS systems. Everything was delivered & installed as promised. We will definitely be using Source UPS again.